Sachin Neravath

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Posted on December 9, 2023 - 3 min read

Create chatbot

Creating Your Chatbot

This guide provides step-by-step instructions on how to create a chatbot using WebWhiz. WebWhiz allows you to build an AI chatbot based on your website data that can instantly answer your customers’ queries. Follow the steps below to set up your chatbot.

Step 1: Accessing the Chatbot Creation Section

project listing page

To begin …

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Posted on December 9, 2023 - 2 min read

Add to site

Adding Your Chatbot to Your Website

This guide outlines the steps for integrating your chatbot into your website using different methods based on your needs and preferences.

Accessing Integration Options

  1. Log in to your dashboard.
  2. Click on your chatbot to access its detail page.
  3. From the side navigation menu, click on “Add to site” …
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Posted on December 9, 2023 - 3 min read

Try ChatBot

Testing and Improving Your Chatbot’s Responses

This guide will show you how to test your chatbot’s performance and take steps to improve its accuracy in responding to user inquiries.

Testing Your Chatbot

Try Chatbot window

  1. Log in to your dashboard.

  2. Click on your chatbot to access its detail page.

  3. Click on “Try ChatBot” in the side …

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Posted on December 9, 2023 - 2 min read

Chat sessions

Managing Chat Sessions

This guide will explain how to navigate and utilize the Chat Sessions feature of your chatbot platform to monitor and manage interactions between the chatbot and your customers.

Accessing Chat Sessions

chat sessions page

  1. Log in to your dashboard.
  2. Click on your chatbot to access its detail page.
  3. In the left-hand navigation menu, click on …
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Posted on December 9, 2023 - 2 min read

Data Sources

Updating Website Data for Chatbot Integration

This guide provides step-by-step instructions on how to update your website data within the chatbot interface to ensure your AI chatbot can fetch the latest information from your website.

Accessing the Website Details Section

data source dashbord

  1. Navigate to your chatbot detail page
  2. On the left-hand navigation menu, …
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Posted on December 9, 2023 - 2 min read

Offline messages

Managing Offline Messages

This guide will help you understand how to view and respond to offline messages left by your customers.

Accessing Offline Messages

offline messages

  1. Log into your chatbot dashboard using your credentials.
  2. In the left-hand navigation panel, click on the “Offline messages” option to open the offline messages section. …
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Posted on December 9, 2023 - 2 min read

Global Settings

Configuring your OpenAI API Key

This guide will walk you through the process of updating your OpenAI API key in the WebWhiz settings.

Accessing API Key Settings

Webwhiz dashbord user avatar image

  1. Sign in to your WebWhiz account.
  2. On the dashboard, locate and click on the user avatar on the top right corner.
  3. Select the “Settings” tab to access general settings …